shallow focus of a woman's sad eyes

Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anxiety in Teenagers: Insights from Lisa Damour

In “Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anxiety in Teenagers: Insights from Lisa Damour,” a renowned psychologist and author, Lisa Damour, offers valuable advice for parents of teenagers. Damour’s books, “Untangled” and “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers,” provide practical guidance underpinned by scientific research. She highlights the significance of parents paying attention to signs of prolonged low, angry moods, harmful coping mechanisms, and any talk of hopelessness or self-harm from their teenagers. Damour suggests creating a supportive environment where teens feel comfortable expressing their emotions, even if it means sacrificing parental agendas. Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of respecting teenagers’ personal strategies for coping, as well as reminding them of their responsibility to adhere to household rules. Damour also addresses school-related fears and anxieties, advising parents to avoid allowing teens to avoid triggering situations that reinforce their fears. By distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy anxiety, Damour stresses the necessity of discussing the possibility of teenagers overestimating consequences and underestimating their ability to handle academic pressures. Additionally, she encourages parents to assess their teenagers’ demanding schedules and ensure they allow for sufficient rest and recovery. On the topic of social distress, Damour encourages parents to empathize with their teens’ pain while teaching them strategies for handling conflicts and changes in friendships. Ultimately, Damour proposes that parents fulfill the role of a coach, acting as a consultant while helping teens develop the skills to navigate independently.



Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anxiety in Teenagers


As a parent or caregiver of a teenager, it is important to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy anxiety. Anxiety is a normal part of life and can even be beneficial in certain situations. However, when it becomes excessive or starts interfering with your teenager’s everyday life, it may be a sign of unhealthy anxiety. In this article, we will explore the importance of recognizing signs of unhealthy anxiety, creating a supportive environment for teenagers, respecting their personal coping strategies, addressing their assertion of independence, dealing with school-related fears and anxieties, differentiating between healthy and unhealthy anxiety, evaluating their schedules for rest and recovery, handling social distress, and navigating the role of a coach for teenagers.

Importance of Recognizing Signs of Unhealthy Anxiety

Recognizing signs of unhealthy anxiety is crucial in order to provide appropriate support and intervention for your teenager. Prolonged low or angry moods, harmful coping strategies, and talk of hopelessness or self-harm are all red flags that should not be ignored. It is essential to take these signs seriously and seek professional help if necessary.

Creating a Supportive Environment for Teenagers

Creating a supportive environment for teenagers is key in helping them navigate their anxiety in a healthy way. Being receptive and understanding when they open up about their feelings can make a world of difference. It is important to set aside time to listen to them without judgment and to validate their experiences. This may require sacrificing your own agenda at times, but remember that your teenager’s mental health should always be a priority.

Respecting Teenagers’ Personal Coping Strategies

Every teenager is unique and has their own way of coping with anxiety. Some may prefer to talk about their feelings, while others may find solace in creative outlets or physical activities. It is important to recognize and respect these differences. Avoid dismissing or invalidating their strategies, as this can worsen their anxiety. Instead, encourage them to explore healthy coping mechanisms and provide them with resources and support when needed.

Addressing Teenagers’ Assertion of Independence

During adolescence, teenagers often assert their independence and push boundaries. While this is a normal part of their development, it can also create tension and conflict within the family. It is essential to strike a balance between granting independence and maintaining household rules and expectations. Remind your teenager that they are still a member of the household and that certain rules should be followed. This will help them understand the importance of boundaries and responsibilities.

Dealing with School-Related Fears and Anxieties

School-related fears and anxieties are common among teenagers. It is important to address these fears rather than allowing your teenager to avoid triggering situations, as avoidance only reinforces their fears. Help them break down their anxieties into manageable steps and encourage them to take small actions towards facing their fears. Additionally, have open conversations about their academic pressures and discuss the possibility of overestimating consequences and underestimating their own abilities.

Differentiating Between Healthy and Unhealthy Anxiety

Understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy anxiety is crucial for providing appropriate support. Healthy anxiety is a normal response to stress or challenging situations, such as preparing for a test or giving a presentation. It motivates us to prepare and perform our best. On the other hand, unhealthy anxiety is excessive and disrupts daily functioning. It may manifest as constant worry, physical symptoms, or avoidance of certain activities. By discussing these distinctions with your teenager, they can gain insight into their own experiences and learn to identify unhealthy patterns.

Evaluating Teenagers’ Schedules for Rest and Recovery

Teenagers today often lead busy lives filled with academic, extracurricular, and social commitments. It is important to evaluate whether their demanding schedules allow for enough rest and recovery. Lack of sufficient rest can contribute to heightened anxiety levels. Encourage your teenager to prioritize self-care and help them revisit and adjust their schedules if necessary. Finding a balance between obligations and downtime is key in promoting their overall well-being.

Handling Social Distress in Teenagers

Social distress is another common source of anxiety for teenagers. It is important to empathize with your teenager’s pain and validate their emotions. At the same time, it is essential to teach them strategies for handling conflicts and changes in friendships. Encourage them to build a strong support system of friends and trusted adults who can provide guidance and emotional support. Remind them that healthy relationships involve mutual respect and communication.

Navigating the Role of a Coach for Teenagers

Lastly, as parents or caregivers, it is important to navigate the role of a coach for your teenagers. This means standing on the sidelines as a consultant rather than always intervening and solving their problems for them. Help them build independent skills and guide them in finding their own solutions. This will foster their autonomy and resilience, preparing them to face life’s challenges with confidence.

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Lisa Damour: A Trusted Expert on Adolescent Mental Health

Lisa Damour, a psychologist and author, has emerged as a trusted expert on adolescent mental health. Her practical advice, rooted in scientific research, has resonated with parents of teenagers across the globe. Damour has written several books, including “Untangled” and “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers,” which offer valuable insights and strategies for navigating the complexities of adolescence. By drawing on her expertise, parents can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges their teenagers face and learn effective ways to support their mental well-being.

To summarize, understanding healthy vs. unhealthy anxiety in teenagers is crucial for parents and caregivers. By recognizing signs of unhealthy anxiety, creating a supportive environment, respecting personal coping strategies, addressing assertion of independence, dealing with school-related fears, differentiating between healthy and unhealthy anxiety, evaluating schedules for rest and recovery, handling social distress, and navigating the role of a coach, parents can provide the necessary support for their teenagers to thrive. With the guidance of experts like Lisa Damour, parents can gain valuable insights and practical strategies to help their teenagers navigate the ups and downs of adolescence.


