• Is weight gain bad?

    Is weight gain bad?

    Is weight gain bad? Dr. Gundry answers this question in his latest video, discussing the difference between normal and unhealthy weight gain. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and the impact of weight gain on health. Learn about the factors influencing weight gain, the role of body composition, and the psychological aspects…

  • Weight gain from THIS diet drink?

    Weight gain from THIS diet drink?

    In “Weight gain from THIS diet drink?” by The Dr. Gundry Podcast, you’ll learn about the potential risks and negative effects of diet soda on your health. The article emphasizes how diet soda can incr…

  • Revealed: 5 nutrition lies you’ve DEFINITELY heard

    Revealed: 5 nutrition lies you’ve DEFINITELY heard

    Discover the truth behind 5 common nutrition myths that you’ve definitely heard before! Dr. Gundry sets the record straight and reveals surprising revelations about your health. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening video!