Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating Cheat Sheet : Dr. Gundry’s The Plant Paradox

Dr. Gundry’s The Plant Paradox – Seasonal Eating Cheat Sheet

Summer is an exciting time of year for you, especially if you are following the Plant Paradox. It’s not just about showing off your beach body, but also because this is the best time to enjoy your favorite in-season fruits. You already know that our bodies were not designed to eat the same foods year-round, and for most of our evolutionary history, the foods we ate were only available during specific seasons. Even now, these foods are not naturally available year-round.

Seasonal Eating


That’s exactly why I have created this video – to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the sweet treats that are currently in season.

This way, you can indulge in them safely, in their most natural and delicious form.

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  • Is in season fruit important?
  • Brainwashed By Fruit? | The Dr. Gundry Podcast Ep22 Dr. Gundry’s The Plant Paradox – Seasonal Eating Cheat Sheet [SUMMER EDITION] is a video by The Dr. Gundry Podcast that discusses the importance of seasonal eating and provides information on the best in-season fruits to enjoy during the summer. The video emphasizes that our bodies are not designed to eat the same foods year-round and that the foods we ate throughout our evolutionary cycle were also not available year-round. The purpose of the video is to provide viewers with up-to-date information on the fruits that are currently in season so they can enjoy them in their safest, most natural, and delicious form. The video also answers common questions about the amount of fruit to consume and provides suggestions on which fruits to avoid during the summer.


In this highly informative video, Dr. Gundry addresses the most frequently asked questions about fruit consumption and seasonal eating during the summer. He advises treating fruit as a rich dessert and recommends consuming no more than a 1-cup serving a few times a week. Some fruits, such as melons and tropical fruits, are better to avoid due to their high sugar content. However, stone fruits like cherries and plums are suggested for their nutritional benefits. The video also highlights the importance of moderation when enjoying berries, which are considered nature’s candy. Overall, the video provides invaluable insights into the best fruits to enjoy during the summer season while prioritizing health and taste.

Dr. Gundry’s The Plant Paradox – Seasonal Eating Cheat Sheet [SUMMER EDITION]



Summer is an exciting time of year, especially for those of us who are following the Plant Paradox. No, not just because you get to show off your beach body, but because this is the best time of year to enjoy your favorite in-season fruits. As you already know, we weren’t created to eat the same foods year-round. And for the vast majority of our evolutionary cycle, the foods we ate weren’t available year-round either. And they’re still not – at least not naturally. And that’s why I created this article – to give you the most up-to-date information about the sweet treats that are in season NOW, so you can enjoy them in their safest, most natural (and delicious) form.


Understanding Seasonal Eating

Seasonal eating is not just a trendy concept; it’s an essential part of a healthy diet. When we eat foods that are in season, we are consuming produce at its peak freshness and nutritional value. Seasonal fruits are also more sustainably sourced, as they can be grown locally and don’t require extensive transportation. Additionally, seasonal eating allows us to connect with nature and the cycles of the Earth, which can have positive effects on our overall well-being.

Seasonal Eating

Importance of Seasonal Fruits

Eating seasonal fruits offers numerous benefits. Firstly, seasonal fruits are richer in flavor compared to their out-of-season counterparts. This is because they are allowed to ripen naturally on the plant or tree before being harvested. The longer ripening period allows the fruits to develop their full flavor profile, resulting in a more enjoyable eating experience.

Secondly, seasonal fruits are packed with nutrients. When fruits are allowed to ripen naturally, they develop higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for our overall health and can help protect against chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Finally, seasonal fruits are more affordable. When fruits are in season, there is a surplus in supply, which usually results in lower prices. This makes it more accessible for everyone to incorporate these nutritious fruits into their diet.


The Perfect Serving Size

While fruits are undoubtedly healthy, it’s important to consume them in moderation. Fruits contain natural sugars, which, when consumed in excess, can lead to weight gain and other health issues. The recommended serving size for fruits is approximately 1 cup, consumed a couple of times a week. This equates to a bowl about the size of a small apple, nectarine, or orange. However, it’s important to note that some fruits, such as berries, have a smaller serving size due to their higher sugar content.

Seasonal Eating


Fruits to Avoid in Summer

Unfortunately, not all fruits are suitable for consumption during the summer months. Melons, including cantaloupe and honeydew, are best avoided. These fruits are new world crops, meaning our bodies have not evolved to efficiently process them. Additionally, tropical fruits like ripe mango, banana, pineapple, and papaya should be limited as they are high in sugar.


Stone Fruits – Your Best Bet

Stone fruits, such as peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, and apricots, are excellent choices during the summer. Contrary to popular belief, cherries are actually stone fruits, not berries. They are packed with health-boosting polyphenols, especially the red and purple varieties. These stone fruits are typically in season from mid to late July until late August. To find the freshest and most flavorful stone fruits, consider visiting a local farmers market or looking for the local label at your grocery store.

Seasonal Eating


Berries – Nature’s Candy

Berries are often referred to as nature’s candy due to their natural sweetness. When in season, berries are some of the healthiest and most delicious fruits you can enjoy. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are some of the popular berries available in the summer. However, it’s important to exercise moderation when consuming berries since they still contain natural sugars. Aim for one to two servings of berries per week.


Late Summer Fruits – Apples and Pears

As we transition into late summer, apples and pears come into season. While technically still considered summer fruits, they are typically available from late August or early September. Apples and pears can be enjoyed when they are green and unripe, or when they are fully ripened. Green pears, in particular, have a compound that boosts longevity, making them a great choice year-round.

Seasonal Eating


The Incredible Benefits of Avocado

No discussion of summer fruits would be complete without mentioning avocados. Avocados are rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are incredibly beneficial for our health, especially when it comes to heart health and weight management. Unlike other fruits, there is no need to limit your consumption of avocados. You can enjoy one every single day without worrying about moderation.


Moderation is Key

While it’s tempting to indulge in all the delicious fruits summer has to offer, moderation is still key. Remember that fruits, although natural and nutritious, still contain sugars. To maintain a balanced diet, enjoy a variety of seasonal fruits in moderation. Use Dr. Gundry’s serving size recommendations as a guide, and always listen to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness.

Seasonal Eating



Summer is a time of abundance when it comes to delicious and nutritious fruits. By understanding the principles of seasonal eating, you can make the most out of this season’s offerings. Incorporate a variety of fruits into your diet, focusing on stone fruits, berries, apples, pears, and avocados. Enjoy the flavors, the health benefits, and the sense of connection with nature that comes with eating in-sync with the seasons. Remember to practice moderation and listen to your body’s needs. Happy summer eating!



