Plastic Storage Containers

Plastic storage containers : You’re storing your dinner in WHAT?

In the video titled “You’re Storing Your Dinner in What?”, The Dr. Gundry Podcast explores the topic of plastic storage containers and their impact on our health and well-being. The video begins by acknowledging the curiosity and questions of viewers regarding the use of plastic containers for food storage. The host sheds light on the potential dangers of plastic, specifically the toxic compound BPA, which can disrupt hormonal balance and cause adverse health effects. The video then discusses alternatives to plastic, such as glass containers, ceramic dishware, and sustainable materials like wood and paper. While eliminating all plastic may not be realistic for everyone, the host provides practical tips for minimizing plastic use and reducing exposure to harmful substances. These insights aim to help viewers make informed choices to protect their health and the environment.


The Buzzword: Plastic in Food Storage Containers

Plastic has become a major buzzword in the health and wellness community, especially when it comes to food storage containers. Many people are concerned about the potential dangers of plastic and how it can impact their health. In this article, we will explore the risks associated with certain types of plastic, discuss alternatives to plastic, and provide tips on how to avoid plastic in the kitchen.

Plastic storage containers : The Dangers of BPA in Plastic

One of the main concerns about plastic is the presence of Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical compound commonly used in the production of plastic products. BPA is known to be incredibly toxic to the body and can disrupt hormonal balance when ingested. It can mimic estrogen in the body, leading to a variety of health issues. This is why plastics, containing BPA, make it to the list of “seven deadly disruptors” according to Dr. Gundry.

To ensure your safety, it is crucial to check if any plastic containers in your household still contain BPA. If they do, it is recommended to throw them away immediately. Although companies have started using BPA less, there are still concerns regarding other plastic materials, including BPA replacements such as bps, which may be just as harmful. Therefore, it is best to be cautious and avoid all plastic materials as much as possible.


Mixed Vegetables in Plastic Containers

Plastic storage containers : Other Harmful Plastics

Apart from BPA, there are other types of plastics that can have potential health risks. While it may not be feasible or affordable for everyone to eliminate all plastic from their homes, it is essential to be aware of the dangers associated with certain plastics. It is advisable to switch to glass containers for storing leftovers and opt for glass or ceramic dishware instead of plastic. Additionally, rethinking the use of zip-top bags and plastic wrap is crucial to minimize exposure to harmful plastics.

Plastic storage containers : Ideal Alternatives to Plastic

In an ideal world, it would be best to eliminate all plastic from our homes. This means replacing plastic food storage containers with glass containers and opting for wood and paper for disposables. Glass containers are safer and more sustainable options for storing leftovers. They do not contain harmful chemicals and are better for both our health and the environment.

It is also worth considering alternatives to plastic wrap and zip-top bags. Beeswax wraps are a great alternative to plastic wrap, as they are reusable, biodegradable, and can effectively preserve food. Silicone storage bags are another excellent option as they are reusable and do not contain harmful chemicals like plastic bags.

Plastic storage containers


Plastic storage containers : Tips for Avoiding Plastic in the Kitchen

Avoiding plastic in the kitchen may seem like a daunting task, but there are simple steps you can take to reduce your plastic consumption. Here are a few tips:

  1. Choose glass or ceramic containers for food storage: Glass and ceramic containers are safer alternatives to plastic. They do not leach harmful chemicals into your food.
  2. Use reusable bags and containers for grocery shopping: Instead of using plastic bags, invest in reusable bags made from fabric or other sustainable materials. Similarly, bring your own reusable containers for purchasing items like meat or deli products.
  3. Buy in bulk: Opt for buying in bulk to reduce packaging waste. Many stores offer bulk bins where you can bring your own containers and fill them with grains, nuts, and other pantry staples.
  4. Avoid single-use plastic items: Try to eliminate single-use plastic items from your kitchen, such as plastic cutlery, straws, and cups. Look for eco-friendly alternatives made from sustainable materials.
  5. Choose products packaged in sustainable materials: Look for products that are packaged in paper, glass, or other eco-friendly materials. This helps reduce your plastic waste.


Heating Leftovers: Glass or Ceramic Containers

When it comes to heating leftovers, it is crucial to avoid using plastic containers. When heated, plastic can release harmful compounds and chemicals that can leach into your food. Instead, opt for glass or ceramic containers that are microwave safe. By making this simple switch, you can ensure that your food remains safe and free from potential health risks.


Plastic storage containers : The Controversy Around Microwaves

Microwaves have been a topic of debate in the health community for some time now. While some people believe microwaves can be harmful due to potential radiation exposure, others argue that they are safe to use. Dr. Gundry acknowledges that he is not the biggest fan of microwaves but recognizes that they can be essential for individuals who follow specific dietary plans, like the plant paradox plan. In such cases, it is better to microwave compliant meals than go completely off track. However, it is essential to take precautions and ensure that you are using microwave-safe ceramic bowls or plates to heat your food.


Plastic storage containers

Plastic storage containers : Food Packaged in Plastic Containers

Many foods come packaged in plastic containers, such as pre-packaged vegetables or products like almond flour. While it may not be possible to completely avoid these plastic containers, there are steps you can take to minimize exposure. For instance, transferring foods like almond flour to glass containers can help reduce contact with potentially harmful chemicals. Additionally, for certain foods like pesto, buffalo mozzarella, or frozen seafood, as long as you use them quickly and do not cook or heat them in the plastic container, they are generally safe for consumption.

Plastic storage containers : Transferring Foods to Glass Containers

Transferring your food from plastic containers to glass containers is an easy and effective way to reduce plastic exposure. Glass containers are a safer option as they do not contain harmful chemicals and are inert, meaning they do not react with your food. When transferring foods to glass containers, ensure that the containers are clean and free from any residue. This will help maintain the quality and freshness of your food while minimizing your exposure to plastic.


Plastic storage containers


Plastic in food storage containers is a topic of concern for many individuals who are striving for a healthier lifestyle. While completely eliminating plastic from our lives may not always be feasible or affordable, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with certain types of plastic. By making simple changes, such as using glass or ceramic containers, avoiding plastic during heating, and being mindful of the foods purchased in plastic containers, you can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and prioritize your health. Remember, even small steps towards reducing plastic usage can make a significant difference for both your well-being and the environment.